Marketing & Membership

Charge to the Committee

Promote EDEN to member programs, potential partners, stakeholders and funders; help members promote Extension within state and local structures. Ensure that content is credible and that the website integrates products of EDEN committees and work groups and reflects the breadth, depth, and strengths of the network.

  • Assist with external marketing which can include EDEN 101 material, EDEN blog articles, and social media outreach.
  • Develop and maintain internal marketing resources.
  • Encourage committees, working groups, and delegates to submit content for the EDEN website.
  • Develop a strategy to highlight EDEN resources during seasonal risk periods.
  • Assist members with updating and maintaining records in the resource catalog.
  • Collaborate with the EDEN communications and web support team.
  • Membership to the committee is open to all delegates.


Elizabeth Kiss

Job Title: Associate Professor
Office Phone: 785-532-1946
Delegate Type: Delegate
Institution: Kansas State University
Area of Specialty: Family and Consumer Sciences
Committee: Family and Consumer Sciences, Marketing & Membership

Committee Members

Last Name First Name Institution
Lippett Carla Florida A&M University
Gutierrez Stephanie Kansas State University
Drake Meg Kansas State University
Siems Greg University of Minnesota
Grasso Jerry Kansas State University
Kirkland Brittani Penn State University
Buchanan Sr Warren J Tuskegee University
Hoffman William USDA National Institute of Food & Agriculture
Mishra Nilima Kentucky State University
Wolfork Terrence Fort Valley State University
Meehan Miranda North Dakota State University
Yandow Cathy University of Vermont
Kiss Elizabeth Kansas State University
McCollum Scott North Carolina State University
Rothman Tom University of Minnesota
Griffiths-Smith Faye University of Connecticut
Atterberry Rick University of Illinois
Ooki Nancy University of Hawaii
McGarry Joyce Michigan State University
Peter Mary Lou Kansas State University
Lindsey Angie University of Florida
Griffith Rick New Mexico State University
Skjolaas Cheryl University of Wisconsin
Yoder Mike North Carolina State University
Torrance Lisa University of Illinois
McKillip Carrie University of Illinois
Koch Becky North Dakota State University
Lillpop Abby Purdue University