Scott Cotton

Profile image of Scott Cotton
Job Title: UW Area Extension Educator. Sr. (Agriculture, Rural Living & Disaster Resilience)
Office Phone: (307) 235-9400
Delegate Type: Retiree
Institution: University of Wyoming
State: WY
Area of Specialty:
Agriculture and Natural Resources
Agriculture, Executive, Exercise, Nominating
FEMA Courses Completed:
ICS 100,ICS 200,IS 700,IS 800


Scott Cotton has served as the EDEN Point Of Contact for three land-grant universities during a 28 year career in Extension. He preceded that with a three decade career in agriculture, law enforcement and emergency services. He has been active in the Operations, Logistics, and Planning branches during 27 national disaster declarations. His background leads to effective interface between agriculture and emergencies in addition to real-time response formatting effective educational training. With experience in flood, wildfire, disease outbreak, tornadoes, and blizzards his experience is varied but focuses on rural resilience and agro-security. Cotton has served numerous roles inn EDEN including National Chairman in 2016-2018.

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