Jerry Grasso

Job Title: Director, Communications Solutions
Office Phone: (404) 822-2047
Cell Phone: (404) 822-2047
Delegate Type: Delegate
Institution: Kansas State University
State: KS
Area of Specialty: Marketing/Communications
Committee: Marketing & Membership


Jerry Grasso – Jerry is the Communications Solutions Director supporting Kansas State Research and Extension and the College of Agriculture at Kansas State University. Jerry manages all client relations, strategic marketing initiatives, news bureau services, publishing, digital, social media, and audio/visual services. Prior to working at KSU, he managed communications for the Kansas Department of Labor.

Before working for the state, Jerry has been either the chief communications or chief marketing officer at three public companies. Further, he has extensive experience managing global crises, including the 2017 Equifax cybersecurity breach that impacted the personal information of over 120 million Americans, and a myriad of other crises including terrorist attacks, plant strikes, natural disasters, and corporate events such as hostile takeovers and global restructurings.

Jerry holds a Bachelor of Arts in History from Kansas State University and a Bachelor of Arts in Communications from the University of Texas at Arlington.

Grasso’s wife teaches at Junction City High School, and he still cannot believe that he is lucky enough to be working at his alma mater and loves living in the “Little Apple”.

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