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El clima severo puede ocurrir en cualquier momento. Prepárese con anticipación para que usted y sus hijos estén seguros, confiados y listos. Los niños pequeños y mayores dependen de los adultos para que les proporcionen información y orientación. ¿Ha hablado con ellos sobre qué hacer si ocurre un clima severo?…

Severe weather can strike at any time. Prepare in advance so you and your children are safe, confident, and ready. Younger and older children rely on adults to provide information and guidance. Have you discussed with them what to do if severe weather strikes?  

A social media campaign for hail damage recover Severe storms that produce damaging winds and hail are all too common in Nebraska, and their effects on agriculture can be devastating. Nebraska Extension has an array of resources on hail for crop producers and agricultural stakeholders; however, most often these resources…

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