Savannah Greiner

Job Title: Emergency Management Specialist
Office Phone: (785) 410-2374
Delegate Type: Delegate
Institution: Kansas State University
State: KS
Area of Specialty: Agriculture and Natural Resources Community and Economic Development
FEMA Courses Completed: ICS 200, IS 700, IS 800, ICS 100


Savannah Greiner joined NABC in 2021, and shares a dual role as an emergency manager for Kansas State University providing expertise for NABC projects. As the coordination lead for the University’s Emergency Management Advisory Group, she manages the efforts to link multiple operational layers of the university and bridge the decision support needs across the operating footprint of all its locations.
She graduated from the University of Kansas with a Masters in Homeland Security and worked for KU emergency management. She has received significant training with various FEMA certifications and KDEM training. Greiner provides expertise in Incident Command System, exercise development and training, county level preparedness, and university-community outreach.

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