Ashley Mueller

Profile image of Ashley Mueller
Job Title: Extension Educator, Disaster Education Coordinator
Office Phone: (402) 472-2561
Cell Phone: (402) 580-5620
Delegate Type: Liaison
Institution: USDA National Institute of Food & Agriculture
State: NE
Area of Specialty:
Agriculture and Natural Resources, Community and Economic Development
Community and Economic Development, Professional Development
FEMA Courses Completed:
ICS 100, ICS 200, IS 700, IS 800


Ashley Mueller is a statewide Extension Educator with Nebraska Extension, and she has a focus on disaster education. In cooperation with county Extension offices, she helps Nebraskans prepare for and recover from disasters. She leads programs and projects in the areas of community development, agriculture, and youth development. She serves on a variety of state and regional task forces and working groups that include UNL Campus EOC, Nebraska EOC, Nebraska Department of Agriculture Homeland Security Team, ServeNebraska Commission, and FEMA Region VII Advisory Council.

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