Faye Griffiths-Smith

Job Title: Associate Extension Educator, Family Economics and Resource Management
Office Phone: 203-407-3160
Delegate Type: Delegate
Institution: University of Connecticut
State: CT
Area of Specialty: Family and Consumer Sciences
Committee: 4-H & Youth Development, Family and Consumer Sciences, Marketing & Membership


Teaching people the financial facts of life is my professional passion. I enjoy working with diverse groups of people throughout the lifespan, learning about their needs and interests, and encouraging them to take positive financial actions to help them move closer to their goals. Training other professionals in providing financial education to their clientele is also a high priority. I enjoy engaging program participants in interactive learning activities as an effective way to increase financial capability.

As a member of the UConn EDEN Team, I also provide storm preparedness education. I focus on personal finances, home records, and family preparedness. Current topics we are working on include flooding and severe storm preparedness for people living on limited incomes, reaching people who are housing insecure with direct and focused messaging, and inclusion of family and household preparedness in healthy homes programming.

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